Two Political Paintings

…1894. Sources Andrew Carrick Gow, “Cromwell dissolving the Long Parliament”, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, Emil Adam, “‘Ladas’, Winner of the 1894 Derby 2”, Public domain, via,’Ladas’%2C-Winner-of-the-1894-Derby-2#licensing…

Of Menageries and Mappin Terraces

…the review doesn’t mention them specifically, I assume Meuser also deals with London Zoo’s Mappin Terraces, which provide the main reference point for Saki’s story ‘The Mappined Life’. Link:…

El ala este : Y otros cuentos (Saki in Spanish)

…español del genial autor inglés, con un estudio preliminar de Facundo Araujo y una elegante selección anotada de cuentos, ilustrados por los artistas Néstor Martín y Pablo Castillo. Hyperlink:…